Saturday, December 12, 2009

Convergence?? Long shot... but maybe?

Its not exactly funny, but its hard not to laugh if you've been following the headlines for the past few days… Well yes, I know.. its not a laughing matter but its also natural for an observer to quip "Why stop with states?? why don't we split every district/ city/ street into its own land"

I don't understand politics and neither do i know much about what's happened in the past in the world of politics, so i won't try to pretend i do.

I'll digress here and recollect an incident that happened about 8 months ago... Me and a group of friends decided to head to the Wagah border on our way to Delhi... A beautiful sunset and with the 'beating the retreat' proceedings underway, my friend sitting next to me pointed to the sky and smiled. We looked up to see a flock of birds flying across the border and I realized what she meant "they don't have borders do they"

And here we are yet, trying to divide pieces of land further more!!! More borders, more boundaries!!

As an inane observer, can't help but wonder, is it simply madness or possibly an act that might provoke thoughts towards convergence?

'coz well, we seem to be heading down a path where ultimately one'll realize "ok! now that each street is a separate entity, what next??" and maybe they'll answer declaring "we can't function anymore! one country, one state"

no point musing you say? you may be right, since there's no way of predicting with any amount of accuracy what might happen... yet, there's a nagging feeling that I might just live to find out :P

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